Group A Strep
Rapid Tests
For Group A Strep
Should Back
Up Cultures Be
Being Able to diagnose strep throat while the patient is still in
the office has been a convenience to physicians for over a decade,
now. They have become much more reliable than they were when first
approved for general use, but the culture remains the "gold
standard" test for definitive diagnosis.
American Academy of Pediatrics recommends back up cultures
for patients with a negative rapid test. The 2000 Red Book: Report
on The Committee on Infectious Diseases says "Several rapid
diagnostic tests for GAS pharyngitis are available. Most are based
on nitrous acid extraction of group A carbohydrate antigen from
organisms obtained by throat swab. Although
the method for these test vary, their sensitivities and
specificities, in general, are similar when carefully performed,
including rigorous attention to technique and use of controls. The
specificities of these test generally are very high, but the
reported sensitivities vary considerably.
As with throat cultures, the accuracy of these tests is highly
dependent on the quality of the throat swab specimen, which must
contain pharyngeal and/or tonsillar secretions, and on the
experience of the person performing the test. Therefore, when a
patient suspected on clinical grounds of having GAS pharyngitis
has a negative rapid streptococcal test, a throat culture should
be obtained to ensure that the patient does not have GAS
infection. Because of the very high specificity of
these rapid tests, a positive test result does not require throat
culture confirmation."*
American Heart Association has a similar recommendation,
suggesting the use of back up
cultures when rapid test results are negative.
2000 Red Book: Report Of The on Infectious Diseases 25th Edition
American Academy of Pediatrics